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Z80/Z180/8085 C Compiler
Z80/Z180/8085 Assembler
Z80/Z180/8085 Downloads
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Technical support
The software listed here includes at least 6 months of email technical support.
SC180-WIN generates 10-20% LESS code than the older DOS version. Upgrade to SC180-WIN to reduce the size of and speed up your program.
SASM180-WIN also supports the 8085 processor.
8085 - Really?
Softools is the only company selling and supporting an 8085 ANSI C compiler with float support.


Price List

Prices effective Sept. 15, 2004 and are subject to change.

  Product Qty Price
Single user license of the Softools WinIDE for Z80/Z180 Globally Optimizing C compiler and assembly development (see SASM180-WIN). Supports Z80 family, Z18x family processors. Includes IDE with project editor, source editor, C compiler, libraries, assembler, linker, and utilities. The complete manuals are provided only online. (Hard copy is not available). Software is WEB-licensed to a single computer but easily moved from computer to computer.
Single user license of the Softools WinIDE for Z80/Z180 assembly development. Supports Z80 family, Z18x family and 8085 processors. Includes IDE with project editor, source editor, advanced macro cross-assembler, linker, librarian, and cross-reference utility. Also supports other Z80 opcode compatible processors (e.g. T6A84, TMPZ80, etc.). The complete manuals are provided only online. (Hard copy is not available). Software is WEB-licensed to a single computer.
Single user license of the Softools WinIDE for 8085 C development and SASM180 assembly development (see SASM180-WIN). C compiler supports 8080 an 8085 processors - assembler supports Z80/Z180 and 8085 processors. Includes IDE with project editor, source editor, C compiler, libraries, assembler, linker, and utilities. The complete manuals are provided only online. (Hard copy is not available). Software is WEB-licensed to a single computer.
Single user (i.e. one developer) license to TurboTask real-time OS for the Z80/Z180. This is a binary, royalty-free license but includes source for system configuration. Includes online manual.
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